Alba Campo Rosillo | October 27

Polk's America w/ Alba Campo Rosillo

Don’t miss this special, live & virtual edition of Polk’s America as we welcome Alba Campo Rosillo of the University of Delaware presenting:
“From President to Aristocrat: George P. A. Healy’s Portraits of President James Polk.”
From the guest scholar: When U.S. artist George Peter Alexander Healy (1913-1894) painted the portrait of James Polk for the first time in 1846, the sitter was the President of the United States and residing at the White House. By the time that Healy painted Polk again in 1858, the President had already died. In this lecture I will discuss the portraits differences in terms of format and purpose, and will elaborate on the economic and political issues to which the paintings subtly refer.
Polk's America has moved online!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Polk’s America is taking place virtually. Attendees will be able to participate in a live Q&A with the guest scholar following the presentation. Attendance is always free but registration is required. To receive the link to join the live event, sign up here.

ALBA CAMPO ROSILLO is an art historian specialized in U.S. art and portrait painting production of the Americas in the modern and contemporary era. She has acquired experience at several art museums in the U.S. and the Netherlands, and has been awarded fellowships by the U.S. National Gallery of Art, the Dutch Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, and the U.S. National Portrait Gallery, among others. 
Rosillo holds a BA from the University Pompeu Fabra (Spain), an MA from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), and will obtain her doctorate from the University of Delaware (U.S.) in 2021.

© 2025 President James K. Polk Home and Museum

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